Catchall router that returns 503 Service Unavailable response code

Hello everybody,

This topic exists to provide an example for a catchall non-TLS router that will make unmatched requests answered by a 503 Service Unavailable response code. It could be adapted as a TLS router for HTTPS.

The example below is only a file provider version (yaml) of the configuration, thus if anyone wants to adapt it for other providers, it will be gladly welcomed.

Static configuration (traefik.yaml):

    address: :80

    filename: dynamic.yaml

Dynamic configuration (dynamic.yaml):

      # attached only to web entryPoint
        - "web"
      # catchall rule
      rule: "PathPrefix(`/`)"
      service: unavailable
      # lowest possible priority
      # evaluated when no other router is matched
      priority: 1

    # Service that will always answer a 503 Service Unavailable response
        servers: {}


Hey @rtribotte ,

Does it work with docker swarm provider?

Ok, this is the solution I found for docker swarm provider:

I've just added these lines:

    image: traefik:v2.4
        - "traefik.enable=true"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik-502.entrypoints=http"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik-502.rule=PathPrefix(`/`)"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik-502.priority=1"
        - ""

With the above code, any not registered rule or with empty backends (without up replicas) will throw 502 instead of 404

PS: I did not define any service for that, just mapping the same traefik service to an invalid port

Full script here: Traefik fix 502 for empty backends · GitHub

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This not works for https

yeah https does not work, any idea how with https entrypoint also this can work?

This only works with valid TLS certs, otherwise the browser/client will show an error. So the only thing you could do is catchall on sub-domains (of one domain) via wildcard.

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what about someone binds my IP with his/ her domain? how to catch that?

You can do a catchall on https/443 with HostSNI(`*`). Traefik will use a default TLS cert. The browser will most probably show an error, but user can continue. Then catchall works as usual.

u mean a TCP route using HostSNI(*)?

can I use 443 again? since 443 was being used for https!