Can't get Real IP via X-Forwarded-For

Thank you guys for such a great product like Traefik. I really like it!

I have Traefik behind AWS ELB. I need to get real user IP in order to restrict access to some services via whitelist BUT Traefik see only private IP of AWS ELB((( while nginx (for example) doesn't have such problem.

Cant i configure Traefik somehow to work as expected? In other way i'll have to move to nginx.
Thanks in advance!

Hi @yuklia! Did you set the option useXForwardedFor on the [entrypoint.<name>.whitelist] configuration? (for reference, the page contains all the options available, even if these options are not documented in term of usage).

If yes, could you provide more information/configuration from your setup to help us reproduce please?

Thanks a lot for your interest and your patience!