Can't access to Synology DSM with using subfolder (traefik without docker)

Hi, I'm using traefik with binary (no docker) on my server with Ubuntu 22.04 (IP My Synology is running under IP IP on port 5001 with self signed certificate.

I Think the problem is my missing understanding of traefik and http protocol.

This works

  rule = "Host(``)"
  service = "syno"
    certResolver = "letsencrypt-resolver"

      url = ""

This is not working if I use a path like "/syno" for access ->

  rule = "Host(``)  && Path(`/syno`)"
  service = "syno"
  middlewares = ["syno"]
    certResolver = "letsencrypt-resolver"

      url = ""
    prefixes = ["/syno"]

This is the error that I receive.

How I can handle this. I want to use different services via path e.g.,, ... I have the same problem like "syno" if I try to using pihole with path.

Which part of configuration for this problem is the correct focus? Can anybody get me a hint for further investigation to handle this? :slight_smile: Thanks