Cannot set default SSL cert


I'm trying to set up mTLS between Cloudflare and a Traefik ingress in our Kubernetes cluster.

Unfortunately, I am not able to set the Traefik default SSL certificate, despite following all the guidelines here:

When I inspect the SSL certificate served by my ingress, I always get a self-signed certificate.
I'm using version 3.0.0

Does anyone know how to solve this?


If you follow the documentation to the point, it should work. If it does not work, then you should probably share your config.

I did follow the documentation but it didn't work.

This is the block in the helm values:

        secretName: default-certificate

anything else you want to check?

Hey @bluepuma77

Sorry to say this. Your documentations doesn't have "to the point" explanations. Most of the examples for helmValues are not a part of the Schema and doesn't support. For example, there is no clear explanation on the IngressRoute for TCP neither in the helm values.schema.json nor in the documentation.

It’s not "my" documentation, it’s a community forum, I am just a user. I don’t even use k8s.

I can just point you to the doc and hope you switch the example code to "Kubernetes".

If you don’t get help here, you can also try

Thanks for the message. I totally agree with your comment.
This product is advertised as "Cloud-native, GitOps-driven API runtime solutions for demanding DevOps and Platform Engineers" but it has one of the worst documentations I've ever seen on Kubernetes integration.
That said, unfortunately I have to sort this out in some way and might try to load the config directly from files mounted on the pods.