Cannot make Chronograf work behind Traefik reverse proxy

Steps to reproduce:
List the minimal actions needed to reproduce the behavior.

  1. Launch docker container using official Chronograf image
  2. Launch Traefik container to be used as reverse proxy
  3. Setup reverse proxy for Chronograf

Expected behavior:
Chronograf opens in a web browser using address ""

Actual behavior:

A blank page opens, see screenshot

Environment info:

  • Chronograf version:
    chronograf:1.8.7 official docker image from docker hub.


  1. /etc/default/chronograf file mounted inside the container with the following content:
CHRONOGRAF_OPTS=--basepath /chronograf
  1. Traefik tags for Chronograf docker container
tags = [
  "traefik.http.routers.chronograf-https.rule=Host(`{{base_url}}`) && PathPrefix(`/chronograf`)",
  # Basic auth

When I empty the /etc/default/chronograf file and change rule to


then page loads up properly when I try just the address without any paths, see screenshot

So this means my environment is good and it is just a matter of either Traefik tags being wrong for Chronograf or Chronograf docker container being misconfigured. What may I be doing wrong?

I solved my problem.

My working configuration of docker container and Traefik tags is:

tags = [
  "traefik.http.routers.chronograf-https.rule=Host(`{{base_url}}`) && (PathPrefix(`/chronograf`) || PathPrefix(`/chronograf/{.*}`))",
  # Basic auth


task "chronograf" {
	driver = "docker"
	config {
		image = "chronograf:1.8.7"
		ports = ["chronograf-api"]
		dns_servers = ["${}"]
		volumes = [
		entrypoint = [
			"chronograf", "--influxdb-url=http://influxdb.service.consul:8086", "--kapacitor-url=http://kapacitor.service.consul:9092"
	env {
		BASE_PATH = "/chronograf"

Maybe this will save time for somebody.

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