I have recently started using Traefik, and I really enjoy it!
I have a use-case where I need to allow my users to use my service from their own custom domain names. For this to work well, I need to make sure each user custom domain has a valid SSL certificate.
What would be the best way to approach this if I want to leverage Traefik built-in Letsencrypt integration in order to issue SSL certificates for my users?
Is there any way to set Traefik to generate an SSL certificate for any domain accessing my service (like a wildcard)? Is there a limit on the number of domains each Traefik SSL certificate can hold?
I know Letsencrypt limits each certificate to 100 domain names, but I want to know if Traefik is taking this limitation under consideration when issuing new certificates? Or can Traefik handle multiple certificates for the same service?
Thanks for the reply. In my use case each user have its own custom domain. I'll guess I'll just have to create all the SSL certificates myself and dynamically update the Traefik configuration file to include all the certificates I generate.
Yeh, I am thinking about designing an algorithm that will split all my users domains into groups of 100 and will generate a new certificate request every time a new hostname is introduced or when the certificate is about to expire. After a new certificate will be issued I'll update the Traefik config with the new certificate.