AKS Traefik behind Azure App Gateway

We have an azure Application Gateway with firewall which takes the incoming request and redirects it to Traefik as ingress to the kubernetes cluster.

The problem that I have is that the host name gets overwritten by the internal host for Traefik, so any redirects etc. are for an internal URL not reachable from outside.

For example "service-a.example.com" is picked up by Application Gateway and sends the request to "service-a.aks.example.com". This page then redirects to a login page, which returns to the client as "service-a.aks.example.com/login" instead of "service-a.example.com/login"

What configuration do I need in order to pass on the original host name?

The current configuration for Traefik is:

Actually, to be more clear, we are actually trying to connect to different services with the subdomain differentiating which service to call, for example:

service-a.example.com => service-a.aks.example.com
service-b.example.com => service-b.aks.example.com


I suspect this detail may change the configuration requirements