Adding a subdomain to the current certificate

The other day I successfully added a subdomain to traefik, but it's still giving me a warning about an invalid certificate.

I have already tried to search the docs, but can't figure out if there is something I need to do in order to add this new domain to the current certificate.

Can someone please point me in the right direction?

I am still trying to resolve this and so far, on the dashboard, the container and subdomain show up has having TLS turned on, but it still returns an invalid certificate.

The way I got it to work was by using the file config. It has two servers configured, the HomeAssistant one is working, but the video-conference one is not.

      entryPoints = ["https"]
      rule = "Host(`home.domain.tld`)"
      service = "homeassistant"
      entryPoints = ["https"]
      rule = "Host(`meet.domain.tld`)"
      service = "meet"

        url = ""
        passHostHeader = true
        url = ""
        passHostHeader = true

      url = ""
      passHostHeader = true
      url = ""
      passHostHeader = true

      browserXSSFilter = true
      contentTypeNosniff = true
      forceSTSHeader = true
      SSLHost = "domain.tld"
      SSLRedirect = true
      STSIncludeSubdomains = true
      STSPreload = true
      STSSeconds = 315360000
        FrameDeny = true
        SSLRedirect = true
        # CORS
        accessControlAllowMethods = ["GET", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "POST"]
        accessControlAllowOrigin = '*'
        accessControlAllowHeaders = ['DNT','User-Agent','X-Requested-With','If-Modified-Since','Cache-Control','Content-Type','Range']
        accessControlExposeHeaders = ["Content-Length","Content-Range"]
        accessControlAllowCredentials = true
        accessControlMaxAge = 100
        addVaryHeader = true

      browserXSSFilter = true
      contentTypeNosniff = true
      forceSTSHeader = true
      SSLHost = "domain.tld"
      SSLRedirect = true
      STSIncludeSubdomains = true
      STSPreload = true
      STSSeconds = 315360000
        FrameDeny = true
        SSLRedirect = true
        # CORS
        accessControlAllowMethods = ["GET", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "POST"]
        accessControlAllowOrigin = '*'
        accessControlAllowHeaders = ['DNT','User-Agent','X-Requested-With','If-Modified-Since','Cache-Control','Content-Type','Range']
        accessControlExposeHeaders = ["Content-Length","Content-Range"]
        accessControlAllowCredentials = true
        accessControlMaxAge = 100
        addVaryHeader = true

And there is an error in the log I can't quite understand:

time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Traefik version 2.1.7 built on 2020-03-18T16:43:27Z"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Stats collection is enabled."
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Many thanks for contributing to Traefik's improvement by allowing us to receive anonymous information from your configuration."
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Help us improve Traefik by leaving this feature on :)"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="More details on:"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Enabling ProxyProtocol for trusted IPs []" entryPointName=https
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Starting provider aggregator.ProviderAggregator {}"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *file.Provider {\"directory\":\"config/\",\"watch\":true}"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *acme.Provider {\"email\":\"\",\"caServer\":\"\",\"storage\":\"acme.json\",\"keyType\":\"RSA4096\",\"httpChallenge\":{\"entryPoint\":\"http\"},\"tlsChallenge\":{},\"ResolverName\":\"default\",\"store\":{},\"ChallengeStore\":{}}"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Testing certificate renew..." providerName=default.acme
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *traefik.Provider {}"
time="2020-03-19T12:16:25Z" level=info msg="Starting provider *docker.Provider {\"watch\":true,\"endpoint\":\"unix:///var/run/docker.sock\",\"defaultRule\":\"Host(``) \\u0026\\u0026 PathPrefix(`/{{ trimSuffix \\\"-settings\\\" .Name }}`)\",\"exposedByDefault\":true,\"network\":\"traefik_proxy\",\"swarmModeRefreshSeconds\":15000000000}"
time="2020-03-19T12:17:10Z" level=info msg="Skipping same configuration" providerName=docker