ACME/lego certificate request never happen

Hello, a little bit lost here.
I tried to configure a new traefik docker proxy with certificate resolvers (latest, 2.8.5) .. but seems that nothing is happening:

I used zerossl, but the same is happening with letsencryp




      email = [
      storage = "/ssl/acme.json"
      caServer= ""

        provider = "godaddy"
        resolvers = [
        - "traefik.enable=true"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(``)"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.tls=true"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.tls.certresolver=zerossl"
        - "[0].main=$MY_DOMAIN"
        - "[0].sans=traefik.$MY_DOMAIN"
        - "traefik.http.routers.traefik.service=api@internal"


traefik    | {"level":"warning","msg":"Traefik Pilot is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please check our Blog for migration instructions later this year.","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider aggregator aggregator.ProviderAggregator","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"entryPointName":"traefik","level":"debug","msg":"Starting TCP Server","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"entryPointName":"http","level":"debug","msg":"Starting TCP Server","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"entryPointName":"https","level":"debug","msg":"Starting TCP Server","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider *file.Provider","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"debug","msg":"*file.Provider provider configuration: {\"directory\":\"/files\",\"watch\":true}","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider *traefik.Provider","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"debug","msg":"*traefik.Provider provider configuration: {}","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider *acme.ChallengeTLSALPN","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"debug","msg":"*acme.ChallengeTLSALPN provider configuration: {}","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"debug","msg":"No default certificate, generating one","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z","tlsStoreName":"default"}
traefik    | {"level":"info","msg":"Starting provider *acme.Provider","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"level":"debug","msg":"*acme.Provider provider configuration: {\"email\":\"║24║\",\"caServer\":\"\",\"storage\":\"/ssl/acme.json\",\"keyType\":\"RSA4096\",\"eab\":{\"kid\":\"xxxx\",\"hmacEncoded\":\"xxxx\"},\"certificatesDuration\":2160,\"dnsChallenge\":{\"provider\":\"godaddy\"},\"ResolverName\":\"zerossl\",\"store\":{},\"TLSChallengeProvider\":{},\"HTTPChallengeProvider\":{}}","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"ACME CA":"","level":"debug","msg":"Attempt to renew certificates \"720h0m0s\" before expiry and check every \"24h0m0s\"","providerName":"zerossl.acme","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}
traefik    | {"ACME CA":"","level":"info","msg":"Testing certificate renew...","providerName":"zerossl.acme","time":"2022-09-19T07:58:32Z"}

as you can see, I have only: Attempt to renew certificates and Testing certificate renew...

  • acme.json is created and empty
  • pretty sure the API key are exported as variable
  • tested credentials with a docker lego image works both for letsencrypt and zerossl: can generate a cert and pretty fast too ,.

Maybe something not working at network level but I can resolve CA URL, so I am a bit lost here with no error.

I would like to think the problem is between the chair and the table, but I am not currenly see it




the email is not an array but a string



  email = ""
  storage = "/ssl/acme.json"
  caServer = ""

  provider = "godaddy"
  resolvers = [

  kid = "XXXXXXX"
  hmacEncoded = "YYYYYYYYYYY"

thanks a lot , I did change it but seems not changing the behaviour:

traefik | {"ACME CA":"","level":"debug","msg":"Attempt to renew certificates "720h0m0s" before expiry and check every "24h0m0s"","providerName":"zerossl.acme","time":"2022-09-19T08:48:30Z"}
traefik | {"ACME CA":"","level":"info","msg":"Testing certificate renew...","providerName":"zerossl.acme","time":"2022-09-19T08:48:30Z"}

is there anything I can "trigger" inside the container?
I would try to install traefik as standalone and not via docker and see if any difference...

No, it's automatic

the logs about the renew are just because at the start we check if there is something to renew.
It's not related to your problem.

I think your problem is with your static configuration.
can you provide your full static configuration?

  checkNewVersion = true
  sendAnonymousUsage = false
    address = ":80"
          to = "https"
          scheme = "https"
    address = ":443"
  level = "DEBUG"
  #filePath = "/logs/traefik.log"
  format = "json"
  #filePath = "/logs/access.log"
  format = "json"
  insecure = false
  dashboard = true
  entryPoint = "traefik"
    directory = "/files"
    watch = true
        email = ""
        storage = "/ssl/acme.json"
        caServer= ""
          provider = "godaddy"
          resolvers = [
      sniStrict = true
      minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
      cipherSuites = [
        minVersion = "VersionTLS13"

there are several problems:

  • the Docker provider must enable
  • the tls section must be moved into the dynamic configuration
  checkNewVersion = true
  sendAnonymousUsage = false

  address = ":80"
    to = "https"
    scheme = "https"

  address = ":443"

  level = "DEBUG"
  format = "json"

  format = "json"

  insecure = false
  dashboard = true

  entryPoint = "traefik"


  directory = "/files"
  watch = true

  exposedByDefault = true

  email = ""
  storage = "/ssl/acme.json"
  caServer = ""

    provider = "godaddy"
    resolvers = [
    kid = "BsG7eKvW5QaWQ"
    hmacEncoded = "MZf61cpePTZMkE3vpSl8IbrbUqCd2fqLGKZqVuXL5XRgKjoID3BEIPVMd54Z_gkoA"

Thanks a lot. I stopped docker provider - running with non-privileged users - so I need to use a sockproxy - removed in case was the culprit... but I think it is the tls stuff that blocked (copy from an old installation)

Thanks again for the courtesy and the rapidity

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