404 error for contents in subfolder in a container


currently I'm struggling with traefik running a container on a folder. My goal is to have traefik route the container for bookstack to domain.tld/bookstack.
Currently traefik can reach the container and displays the index file. But everything from a subdirectory like domain.tld/boockstack/login or .../dist/style.css returns in a page not found error.
The log file of traefik indicates, that this error is from traefik and not the container itself.

The container has the following label:

- traefik.http.routers.bookstack.rule=PATH(`/bookstack`)

I used to have the Host rule activated additionally, but for debugging deactivated.

Do I need the regex rule or should this with the path work? Thanks a lot for you help.

It should probably be PathPrefix().

thanks, should have read the documentation on Traefik Routers Documentation - Traefik more clearly.

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