Proxmox behind Traefik

Hello @candoom,

Thank you for your interest in Traefik!

Can you format your configuration file to make it more readable?

Regarding SPICE, the proxmox documentation says:

This daemon listens on TCP port 3128, and implements an HTTP proxy to forward CONNECT request from the SPICE client to the correct Proxmox VE VM. It runs as user www-data and has very limited permissions.

Regarding VNC it seems to be listening on TCP port 5900.

Your current configuration is routing all requests matching the Host matcher "proxmox.home.xxxxx.yyy" to "", so you only set up a route to reach the web interface.

For SPICE, as I understand it expects CONNECT request, you'll need to add a new router with a rule with the previous host matcher plus a method matcher: Method(`CONNECT`). You'll also have to create the appropriate service to reach the correct port on proxmox.

For VNC, you'll probably have to set up a TCP router and service.