I did not get around looking into this, but my gut feeling that this should be fairly straightforward. Is there anything in particualr you are having troubles with?
I will repeat, rephrase what I said earlier and what you read in the documentation. You put both static and dynamic configuration in the same file, this is not going to work. Dynamic configuration comes from a provider and you need to use file provider since you do not use docker kubernetes.
Examine your config. Establish which part is static and which is dynamic using the documnetation. Put each in it's own file as per documentation. Make sure that you reference your dynamic condifuration from the provider line in your static one. Provide static one to the traefik in one of the four ways descirbed on one of the pages I linked above.
Today i've tried the v2.1 RC2 release. The prometheus@internal part does work now, but it still does not allow me to add any authentication. For clarity: i'm trying to enable basic auth on the prometheus@internal service just like I have on the api@internal service (this DOES work). Please see my config attached: