Portainer behind Traefik - Bad certificate - insecureSkipVerify: true does not kick in?

It came as a pfx file, and I split it into 3 parts: key, cert and ca.
What should I have done then?

Thanks again

This is the certificate authority I need to get installed:

The key file should include a single key. The cert file should usually include 3 certs: 1) server cert (domain), 2) intermediate cert, 3) root cert.

Every cert provider has different naming for the files, so check the docs of your provider, how to create a valid web server cert with the 3 parts.

Finally figured this out by using this command line:

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nomacver -nodes -out - | awk '/-----BEGIN/{a=1}/-----END/{print;a=0}a'

This lists all parts in the certificate - including the key - in one giant text string.
All I had to do was to cut out the key part in one file, and the rest in another file.
