Nothing works so where to start?

This works correctly popup and passed after filling in, with my hash it fails and no password popup, immediately passed through.

Oke, I got a working password.
What a strange tour this has been.
To me the password part feels buggy with this behaviour, but the chosen pwd is long enough.

Now integrating in the current setup and I'm where I started with Traefik integrated...


Unbeleavable, copied in the docker-compose-override.yml and no authentication anymore.

Really puzzling....


Well, in the end got it working integrated, but what a buggy handler this is!
And the above picture is painfull, also succesfull (sorry: really working) logins are shown this way.
What a ride this was, but in terms of security this is really worrying.

I'm flabbergasted.

Anyway you pulled me throught this, been a great help!
Thanks again.

Last question: are devs following this?

Yeah, some devs seem to be reading here. If you got something serious, you better open an issue on Github.

Be aware that Traefik proxy might not be the money maker for the company, so dev resources seem to be allocated to other products, not necessarily creating great new features for Traefik itself. But that’s just my impression as a Traefik CE user with Docker Swarm. Can’t really complain for a free-to-use product.