Discourse with Traefik 2.0

same idea here, but haven't started reading myself into details of nginx anc comparing it with Traefik.
Any idea of how the middleware has to look like :innocent:?

I properly have to use:

  1. proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
  2. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For
    I don't think that is the right one EntryPoints - Traefik
  3. proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto
  4. proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    find only Feature Request: Option to reset X-Real-IP & X-Forwarded-For headers on incoming requests ยท Issue #2730 ยท traefik/traefik ยท GitHub

In Discourse with Traefik 2.0 - #2 by SvenC56 - installation - Discourse Meta it is reported that .tls but cannot imagine why. The Traefik configuration is not shared

  - "--network=web"
  - "-l traefik.enable=true"
  - "-l traefik.http.routers.forum.rule=Host(`forum.example.com`)"
  - "-l traefik.http.routers.forum.entrypoints=websecure"
  - "-l traefik.http.routers.forum.tls=true"
  - "-l traefik.http.routers.forum.tls.certresolver=mytlschallenge"
  - "-l traefik.http.services.forum.loadbalancer.server.port=80"
  - "-l traefik.docker.network=web"

I found only

what might be related to it.